Vehicle Inspections in Derland, ON

In the market for a vehicle inspection in Derland, ON? Look no further than True Centre Auto Service! Our team here at the shop are qualified to perform your next vehicle inspection.
We perform a number of inspections here at the shop such as:
- Courtesy Inspections
- Multi- Point Inspections
- Safety Inspections
All of these inspections are a reliable way to evaluate the current condition of your vehicle and determine if repair work needs to be completed, and how urgent those repairs are.
Courtesy Inspection
Also called a complimentary car inspection, this is a visual inspection of the components of your car. We will inspect everything from lights to tires to filters and more! This type of inspection is usually completed during routine services such as oil changes.
Multi-Point Inspection
This is a much more in depth inspection than the one mentioned above. Here we take a deeper look at your vehicle and components and provide feedback on our findings. In this inspection, we look at the basics in the courtesy inspection along with fluid levels, brakes, battery life and belts & hoses.
Getting a multi-point inspection regularly will ensure you are not surprised by unexpected vehicle wear and tear resulting in service or repair costs.
Safety Inspection
The other type of inspection we often perform here is a safety inspection. If you are registering a rebuilt vehicle, transferring ownership of a used vehicle or registering a vehicle from another province, you may require a safety inspection.
If you require any of the inspections in Derland, ON listed above, Call today to book your appointment! We would be happy to review your vehicles condition and discuss service options with you!